close-up photo of purple petaled flower


Oracle & Mediumship

If you are seeking a way to find peace and solace by connecting with your departed loved ones, I offer a unique and powerful service. Acting as a bridge to the spirit realm, I am able to channel through my emotions, senses, knowledge, and memories of your loved ones. Through this connection, they are able to provide you with information that is meaningful and relevant to you. Whether you are looking for closure, guidance, or simply seeking comfort in knowing that your loved ones are still with you, I am here to support you on your journey. Together, we can create a profound and transformative experience that brings you closer to the spirits and brings you the peace you seek.


30 minutes $45 60 60 minutes $75

I have the ability to connect you with your departed loved ones. These sacred connections allow me to deliver messages from the other side, providing you with the guidance and support you need during this challenging period in your life. I will provide an oracle reading as well to help you understand the focal point of our session together. By receiving messages from your loved ones who have passed, you can find solace, comfort, and ultimately, peace. I understand how difficult it can be to navigate through grief and loss, but my gift allows me to bridge the gap between the physical and spiritual realms, offering you the opportunity to cherish the memories and continue your journey with a sense of closure. Let me offer you the messages from beyond, helping you find the strength to heal and move forward.

mediumship, psychic, readings
mediumship, psychic, readings

Psychic Channeling

Channelers have the unique ability to connect with various types of spirits that reside in different realms. These spirits can range from nature and animal spirits to those from the angelic realm, guardian spirits, and even deities from diverse religious and spiritual backgrounds. Some of these spirits may even originate from alien races or cultures. Additionally, certain spirits are specific to certain structures, buildings, or locations. What unites all of these spirits is their expanded perspective on everyday matters. Unlike us, they possess a broader understanding of the world.


30 minutes $50 60 minutes $90

A psychic reading can be incredibly beneficial when you find yourself facing a difficult decision or standing at a crossroads in life. It provides valuable insight and wisdom to help guide you in the right direction. Often, individuals are unsure of how to connect with the spiritual realm or how to interpret the messages they receive. In a psychic reading, I tap into your energy and aura to gain a deeper understanding of your current situation. This allows me to tune in to the messages being conveyed by your higher self, ascended masters, and guardian spirits. By doing so, I am able to offer you guidance and provide clarity on your path forward.

Psychic channeling
Psychic channeling